One of the biggest-ever defence contract for 126 fighter jets worth a huge $11 billion will be closely watched for any signs of corruption in the deal. Mr Antony and Dr Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi better watch out as at the first sign of corruption, the whistles will be out and blowing...

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Yet again, another RTI activist was brutally murdered. This time it was Ahmedabad-based Nadeem Sayeed. Will this trend soon become a run-of-the-mill crime story or is there hope? The ball is actually in the government's court - all it has to do is enforce Section 4 of RTI Act in right earnest -...

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Experts and activists who under the Pune Metro Jagruti Abhiyaan have been campaigning for a well planned metro, may have some hope now Unarguably, public transport is the biggest issue concerning Pune. With nearly 25...

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From Wall Street in the US to the main street in India, public protests are raging “Panic of the Plutocrats”, is how the New York Times titles an article by Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. It explains the “remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and...

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Moneylife Digital Team 07 November 2011
Here is another MLM, Grace Air Travels, which claims to give cash rewards and a tour to Thailand on selling travel packages If easy income on filling surveys, selling household products or simply watching advertisements were not enough, here is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company, which...

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Moneylife Digital Team 07 November 2011
To people living in the vicinity of nuclear power plants, what matters is scientifically substantiated logic Former bureaucrats and activists have expressed their bewilderment at former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s controversial defence of nuclear power plants. Dr Kalam’s article in The Hindu...

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Moneylife Digital Team 07 November 2011
Fed up with higher service charges from banks, several Americans have switched their saving accounts to credit unions or co-operative financial institutions Last one month proved to be one of the best in terms of new customer acquisitions for credit unions or co-operative financial...

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Moneylife Digital Team 07 November 2011
While president APJ Abdul Kalam gave a clean chit to the nuclear project (some details), India's former revenue secretary EAS Sarma has taken on his claims and punched some holes in the popular former president's statement Maintaining that he has not come as a mediator, former president APJ...

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Will countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Libya be able to change decades of mismanagement? It is possible, but exceptionally difficult. The entrenched interests are not giving up without a fight Most people have an opinion about their government. Whether they feel it is either good or bad is a...

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While Uttarakhand has passed a strong Lokayukta Bill on the lines of Team Anna’s Jan Lokpal Bill, it remains to be seen whether its power will be maintained—it would have to incorporate the Centre’s Lokayukta provisions There is still time to cheer Uttarakhand’s strong Lokayukta Bill for two...

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Moneylife Digital Team 03 November 2011
‘The idea that citizens are not mature enough is repugnant to democracy’ says Central Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi, pulls up apex bank Confusion has always existed whether cooperative banks come under the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, and attempts at accessing...

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Moneylife Digital Team 02 November 2011
Greater Mumbai with a population of 18,414,288 is the top city in population; Delhi NCR is the top urban agglomeration with a population of 21,753,486 As per the preliminary results of the Census 2011, released by the Registrar General of India, Greater Mumbai with a population of 18,414,288...

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Moneylife Digital Team 02 November 2011
Say goodbye to your privacy and safety. Several international agencies have procured a surveillance system that can cut off your mobile remotely, intercept communications and collect data from thousands of users from a targeted area Privacy in the current age where information flows freely...

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Many of the stories on the WWII shell found off Mumbai have simply bombed. No, this shell will not cause any harm to the city, not any more than the Diwali firecrackers which tried their best to shatter the peace. But why was the shell undiscovered for so long? An insider take Cross Island in...

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Besides re-filing 40-odd RTI applications which the late Shehla Masood had filed and the information of which was pending, her friends have recently launched a website ‘getup4change’which encourages citizens to file RTI queries anonymously under the banner of RTI Anonymous (RTIA) Friends of the...

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Moneylife Digital Team 01 November 2011
Several law enforcement agencies are circumventing the IT Act, the Indian Penal Code and ultimately the Constitution, by not following proper procedure for removal of online content Internet censorship in the age of free information is still a debatable issue. However, several times, it becomes...

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Many of the ills plaguing the world—oppressive dictatorships, state-sponsored terrorism and corrupt politicians—can all be traced to oppression, suppression and denial originating from the modern educational system which has failed to create healthy minds “A chief event of life is the day in...

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With the need to save money on expenditure like transportation to balance the household budget, here are a few observations on the subject—which can actually be tried out. But we, the users, have to take the first step—the seller would rather prefer the status quo I’ll begin with two...

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Citizens seem to have finally realised that Diwali is peaceful and joyous with sparklers and starry firecrackers rather than earth-shattering bombs. A combination of events and efforts made this happen. Would other cities follow suit and make Diwali a festival of light and joy in the years to...

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Sucheta Dalal  and   Alekh Angre  and   Devarajan Mahadevan 31 October 2011
An email falsely claiming to have been written by a renowned doctor and Padma Bhushan awardee titled “How Indian Doctors Loot Patients” has gone viral on the internet—is it because there is a lot of truth in what it says? An email titled “How Indian Doctors Loot Patients” is bound to grab...

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