If you want to work for money, you will be doing that throughout life. If you can’t protect your money, financial predators will chip it away. If you don’t budget your money, others will make you fritter it way. If you don’t invest properly in the right assets, your money will be eaten up by...

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PR Balan 11 May 2018
Kishore, 25, is an energetic and enthusiastic youngster, employed in a top software company for three years. He was excited to receive an email from his human resources department (HRD) informing him that the management was arranging a pleasure trip to Bangkok for star performers, and Kishore...

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Whether one accepts the answer to this question or not: What is the single most important thing in this world, which will shape your dreams, your time, your freedom and your identity? It’s money. And what is the most misunderstood, under-explained, mis-explained concept? That is also money....

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From childhood, we endeavour to teach our children the importance of savings and how to open and operate a bank account. When we get our first salary or earn our first income, we are likely to invest in bank deposits. This is fine for a start; but it is not a good idea to continue for all...

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We all are social animals and we remain the same social animals while thinking about money and investments. Let me discuss the common financial mistakes that we, human beings, make as social animals; to understand that, we have to turn to Behavioural Economics. This combines twin disciplines...

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Do you want to be a slave—wage slave of your employer, tax slave of the government and loan slave of a bank? Why are you adamant about working for money when money is willingly ready to work for you? Once you move from financial slavery to financial freedom, you will be able to fulfil your...

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Public provident fund (PPF) was a popular investment product for non-resident Indians (NRIs) as it provided safety of principal and decent return, along with being tax-free in India. NRIs have been putting their hard-earned money into this product. The government sent NRIs into a tizzy by...

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Most people don’t think; some people wrongly think that they are thinking; while very rare people actually think.     I was recently invited as the chief guest at a chess competition. As it is customary for the chief guest to deliver a talk, while preparing my talk for the event and...

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If you assume that saving is equal to investing, you might be in for a nasty surprise. You are also living with a big delusion because you don’t understand the ‘rules of money’. The rules of money permanently changed in 1971 when the then US president Richard Nixon took the US off the gold...

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Why do so many women delegate their financial security to a spouse or significant other and allow divorce or death to plunge them into financial difficulty? Why do so many women spend more than they earn and become mired in debt? Why should boys always manage all the money? Nobody wants to...

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Rajeshwari Victor 06 February 2017
My father expired on 28 November 2016. He was a government servant and retired as a Joint Commissioner, Income Tax. As I come to terms with his loss, I feel like sharing the knowledge that I acquired regarding the processes involved in the paperwork post his death. I have worked in the...

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A New Year means we are older by a year. The year 2016 was eventful with the shocking demonetisation of Rs500 and Rs1,000 notes. Are you prepared for similar or other emergencies? Will your family know where your money is? Will they be completely at sea and not even get the money for which...

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Good housing costs a fortune for the average saver. To help them, the government is offering generous tax deductions for home loan principal and interest amount. Of course, you need to know how to handle the deductions for different situations. A few changes introduced in Finance Bill 2016...

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How to allocate assets, manage risk and select stocks   Wesley Gray is a new star in investment analysis with a very interesting background. He was raised on a cattle ranch in Colorado (USA) and graduated magna-cum-laude in economics from the Wharton School of the University of...

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How to allocate assets, manage risk and select stocks   Wesley Gray is a new star in investment analysis with a very interesting background. He was raised on a cattle ranch in Colorado (USA) and graduated magna-cum-laude in economics from the Wharton School of the University of...

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Investment in the name of your spouse and children is common but make sure you don’t fall foul of the taxman, Read the dos and don’ts of such investment   Are you paying too much by way of tax, especially on investment income? You may be tempted to transfer your assets in the names of...

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A comprehensive online survey reveals how much financial consumers know of saving, investing and insuring. Check out where you stand   The life of a financial consumer is not easy. Regulators tell you to get financially educated but we don’t have much scope to acquire the unbiased...

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What is the ideal profile of a smart saver & investor? Here are the results of our survey. Check out where you stand. Over the past 20 years, the Indian financial market has made tremendous strides. New products, like mutual funds and unit-linked insurance plans, have proliferated. We...

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Moneylife Digital Team 26 December 2013
In an interactive session at Moneylife Foundation, advocate Bapoo Malcolm explained to a packed house the practical aspects of making a will Through a Will, we offer specific instructions about what has to be done with movable and immovable properties after our death. As simple as it...

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Divya B Malcolm 24 December 2013
If you are married the traditional way, but plan to go overseas, make sure your marriage is registered. And in order to do that you need to know the law and its intricacies A long, long time ago, a young damsel met her prince charming, an army officer. They got married, had children, and...

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