Harsh Desai 08 August 2012
This year employment is the main issue in the American elections and everything can crystallize for voters on 2nd November if the election is close. Both candidates have begun spinning the economic numbers to gain an advantage over the other On 2 November, 96 hours before the US...

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Harsh Desai 01 August 2012
Mitt Romney’s bet now is that the economy will be so bad that the American people will forgive him for anything to get a new start Is Mitt Romney too rich to be elected the president of America? Is his enormous wealth a liability rather than an asset particularly when America is going...

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Harsh Desai 25 July 2012
Obama can use the gun issue to appeal to moderate Republicans across the US and a campaign advertisement featuring Mayor Michael Bloomberg may not be such a bad idea. It is time for President Obama to take a stand In the multi-cultural suburb of Aurora in Denver, Colorado, during the...

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Harsh Desai 18 July 2012
It is quite possible that Governor Romney will not only catch up with President Obama in fund raising but may well overtake him. There is no shortage of money. The war has just begun As Reuters reported last week “Republican party grandees gathered in the shadow of Wyoming’s Majestic...

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Harsh Desai 11 July 2012
Opinion polls are only a snapshot at a particular time and election campaigns are dynamic and ever changing. As governor Romney ratchets up the attack on the failed Obama policies, the election dynamics could change Reading opinion polls in July to decipher what is going to happen in...

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MDT/PTI 05 July 2012
British MPs voted unanimously last night to ban IM, placing it on the list of 47 organisations that have been banned from functioning in the UK   London: The UK has banned Indian Mujahideen (IM), citing the 'indiscriminate mass casualty attacks' carried out by the...

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Harsh Desai 04 July 2012
President Obama is tied to the post of healthcare—he will sail or sink with it. He might as well give it his best shot A rather peculiar feature of American jurisprudence is that years after or even a decade after a particular judge is appointed by a political party, he or she is...

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Harsh Desai 27 June 2012
Governor Romney’s calculation may well be that the voter will swallow the more unpalatable part of his agenda and flock to him anyway because of the economy Can Governor Romney win the economic argument but still lose the election? Yes he can. Can Governor Romney win the popular vote but...

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Suevon Lee (ProPublica) 27 June 2012
Last year, the Obama administration tried to make it easier for some illegal immigrants to stay in the country. Few were helped. Will it be any different this time? Last week, the White House announced what could be a big shift in immigration policy, exempting many young illegal...

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Harsh Desai 20 June 2012
President Obama made it legal for children who came to America before they were 16 and completed high school or were in the military to work legally in America. The Republicans hit back saying that the president was just playing politics Last year in the US more non-white children were...

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MDT/PTI 18 June 2012
Google said like India, content removal requests doubled from the US in the second half of last year as Ukraine, Jordon and Bolivia showed up for the first time on the list of countries out to have materials removed   New York: Internet search giant Google has reported a sharp rise of...

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Justin Elliott (ProPublica) 14 June 2012
Broadcasters file a petition with the FCC to water down a new political ad disclosure rule A group of broadcasters are formally asking the Federal Communications Commission to soften a new rule requiring TV stations to put political ad data on the Internet. Washington attorneys for...

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Cora Currier (ProPublica) 14 June 2012
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, testified about the bank's recent losses. He should be familiar with the committee. Lots of his employees worked for it   This morning, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, faced a Senate hearing over more than $2 billion in bank losses caused by...

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Harsh Desai 14 June 2012
The slowing down in Eurozone has global implications for American companies and this is likely to further affect the American economy which will directly have impact on the chances President Obama’s re-election Spain became the fourth European country to get a bailout last weekend and...

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Harsh Desai 06 June 2012
Scott Walker will learn that there is a heavy price for union busting. If it can be done in progressive Wisconsin today can it be done across American tomorrow? It is just June yet, but I am sure it feels like November in Wisconsin, the picturesque Midwestern state where governor Scott...

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Harsh Desai 23 May 2012
The Republicans claim that Mitt Romney created more jobs during his governorship in Massachusetts than Obama has done in all of the US during his presidency. Romney realizes that unemployment is President Obama’s Achilles heel. Question is can Obama do an FDR? Saying “It’s  still about...

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Harsh Desai 16 May 2012
The president’s endorsement of gay marriage was a leap of faith but also had an eye on opinion polls. It actually may be Obama’s insurance policy if the economy tanks It looked as if it was well choreographed. First President Obama’s education secretary Arne Duncan said that he supported...

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Harsh Desai 09 May 2012
Early in his presidency Obama realized that the Muslim world would constitute the most important foreign policy challenge for the administration. It will be up to Romney to come out with an alternative vision to his advantage Within just a few weeks what was looking as a really...

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Soon, day-traders experiencing random emotional fluctuations will be alerted on rising stress levels by a device called the ‘Rationaliser’. Most investors are prone to jump at even the slightest signs of a dip in the stock market. Emotions regularly cloud their judgement, causing investors to...

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Has the social mood has changed to what prevailed in the 1970s? A majority of US workers does not think their bosses are honest, found a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the Zurich-based Adecco Group, a human resources and placement company. Harris interviewed a nationwide sample of...

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