The Sweet Devil I succeeded in getting rid of the devil called cholesterol after 40 years of struggle. Now, the real culprit has come to light that is the ‘white, pure and deadly’: sugar. A book by that title was written by a friend of mine in London—John Yudkin, a professor of nutrition...

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Treating sick human beings as a whole person was the original concept even in the Western medicine system of olden days—even in the 1950s, when I was a student. Thanks to the hi-tech new Western medicine, of complete reductionism, whole person healing (WPH) has almost disappeared from medical...

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Cancer ‘Research’   Sometime back, the ‘famous’ journal Science published an article which upset the players in the field. The study clearly showed that ‘bad luck’ alone determined how unexplained gene mutations occurred in the stem-cell lines to start a cancer. In short, it did say...

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“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.” — Christopher Hitchens    I  was talking with the judges in service at the Karnataka Legal Academy. There were more than 200 of them. One of their own High Court colleagues had spoken to them just before my talk and they...

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Swagata Yadavar (IANS) 13 October 2016
With a genetic predisposition brought to the fore by changing lifestyles, deaths due to diabetes increased 50 per cent in India between 2005 and 2015, and is now the seventh-most common cause of death in the country, up from 11th rank in 2005, according to data published by the Global Burden...

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Industry-Funded Studies in Medical Research First came the great revelation that the sugar lobby had funded studies in the 1960s, to shift the glare from sugar to saturated fat as the main culprit for heart disease. Now, comes the proof that, in the 1990s, the tobacco industry funded many...

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Rajat Arora (IANS) 06 October 2016
The "surgical strike" on the terror launch pads across the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir has been considered a mature and unrivalled move by the Indian Army. For a country that is able to handle terrorists brilliantly, shouldn't handling mosquitoes be only child's play?   What...

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“Is the scientific paper a fraud?” asked Sir Peter B Medawar, Nobel Laureate in the Listener (12 Sep 1963), 377-78.    W e claim that our research, which is based on the short-term randomised controlled trials (RCT), is very scientific and based on evidence. Is this premise right? Do...

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Premature Menopause Leads to Cardiac Risks? Early menopause has been found to be an additional risk factor for heart attacks, high BP (blood pressure) and many other vascular complications says a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) recently. However, what worries me is...

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I was just watching news in New York, a few weeks back, and came upon an advertisement. A lawyers’ firm in New York was inviting patients to send information on the side-effects of drugs they were taking to them directly so that they could get the patient compensation from the multinational...

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Alcohol and Fertility When fertility clinics are doing very good business, it is worthwhile to look for avoidable preventive measures for normalising fertility.   Although it might break the rice-bowl of these clinics, it would be good for mankind. Alcohol intake, as little...

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Silvio Grocchetti (IANS) 12 September 2016
Each of an estimated 2.1 million Indians infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) should be getting a cocktail of drugs to prolong their lives and reduce infections, but no more than 44 per cent do, the Minister of Health told the Lok Sabha in April 2016.   In India, the...

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“Unless we put medical freedom into our constitution, a day will come when medicine will organise itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal facility to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American...

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Sugar, the Newfound Devil? For decades now, the establishment, aided and abetted by the industry, has made fat the greatest devil in our disease saga. Suddenly, the US has done a U-turn. Now, they say that fat is our friend and is good; it is sugar that is the culprit. Is it possible to...

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“Do Epidemiologists Cause Epidemics” was a nice editorial in The Lancet, some years ago. The essence of that article was that when society is frightened by any medical scare system—that there is a new epidemic coming to eat you up—even the doctors seem to label every conceivable disease as...

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Single People Are Happier! Single people are usually classified as sad and lonely. On the contrary, a new study shows how they actually have better psychological growth and are more satisfied.   The research, titled “What no one ever told you about being single”, and...

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“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”  — Bertrand Russell   Science should learn from nature and...

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IANS 05 August 2016
Traditional testing for the level of a specific component of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) -- the "good cholesterol" -- may not be a better predictor of the damage or disease in the heart's major blood vessels, says a study.   Failure of drug trials to observe benefits...

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IANS 04 August 2016
The high levels of caffeine in energy drinks may lead to cardiac complications, suggests a case report.   The case, reported in the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), adds to previous reports of adverse...

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Cholesterol Ghost The cholesterol joke on us has been going on for too long and the drug company honchos were laughing their way to their banks, happy that they could fool even the best brains when it comes to health and drugs. Their bank balance will have to come down now. The US...

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