I­n early April, when MoneyLIFE interviewed CB Bhave, chairman of the Securities and Exchange...

Sucheta Dalal    

On 28th April, Business Standard reported that the finance ministry proposes to scrap Reverse...

Sucheta Dalal    

I­n the past few weeks, SEBI chairman CB Bhave has introduced a number of policy measures that...

Sucheta Dalal    

ABusiness Week report of 7th May says “Maoist insurgency is threatening the country’s runaway...

Sucheta Dalal    

With most newspapers in India controlled by large business groups, a code of silence used to...

Sucheta Dalal    

Under a new chairman, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has quickly initiated...

Sucheta Dalal    

On 31 March 2008, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) put out a four-page...

Sucheta Dalal    

The giant Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) has the dubious distinction of topping the...

Sucheta Dalal    

Commodity futures trading in India through national bourses was re-started in 2003, after a...

Sucheta Dalal    

One of the top priorities of SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) chairman, CB Bhave,...

Sucheta Dalal    

One of the first tasks before the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) brand new...

Sucheta Dalal    

The Harshad Mehta scam of 1992 came to be known as a ‘stock market scam’ because the precipitous...

Sucheta Dalal    

For most of the 1990s, the capital market regulator was perceived as being uncomfortably close...

Sucheta Dalal    

In the past fortnight, the volatile stock market drowned the impact of all other bits of news....

Sucheta Dalal    

A powerful bull market invariably hides frayed regulatory processes and haphazard supervision,...

Sucheta Dalal    

The SEBI chairmanship is up for grabs and there is plenty of speculation about who would bag the...

Sucheta Dalal    
consumers,companies,Business Standard,Paramount Airways, Almondz, Archies, Future Group, Thyrocare, Raja Rani Travels, Sahara One,
The Times group forges unusual alliances with companies which serve the interests of everybody -...
Sucheta Dalal    
You don’t have the luxury of ignoring payment disputes with financiers; you must fight it out or...
Sucheta Dalal    
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