Ranganathan V
Ranganathan V is a CA and CS. He has over 43 years' experience in corporate sector and in consultancy. For 17 years he worked as Director and Partner in Ernst & Young LLP and three years as senior advisor post retirement handling the task of building the Chennai and Hyderabad practice of E&Y in tax and...
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Earlier this month, Tata Steel Ltd informed the stock exchanges of moving a curative petition...
Ranganathan V    
Hitopadesha, is a Sanskrit text that contains fables, aphorisms and maxims to provide healthy...
Ranganathan V    
Farouk Merwan Irani was a name to reckon with in the world of financial services for nearly four...
Ranganathan V    
A sullen central excise inspector was/ is more disruptive to a business than a power outage or...
Ranganathan V    
There is a plethora of court decisions interpreting various aspects of the Hindu Succession Act,...
Ranganathan V    
Just on the cusp of the long festival weekend, the board of a US$2.5bn (billion) company met at...
Ranganathan V    
Last week, along with its weak quarterly results, Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) announced a...
Ranganathan V    
This series on account frauds has already exposed the blatant loot of public funds through...
Ranganathan V    
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Ranganathan V    
Financial fraud can be classified into a few conventional models.
Ranganathan V    
The previous two parts on this topic covered a few of the noted audit failures within India and...
Ranganathan V    
“There are some frauds so well conducted that it would be a stupidity not to be deceived by...
Ranganathan V    
The subtle, surgical and surprise moves of the two warring promoters of the Finolex twins,...
Ranganathan V    
Accounting firms coming under the hammer of the regulators and being fined bigger and bigger...
Ranganathan V    
In the Indian context, the record of the audit in situations where it ought to have shown its...
Ranganathan V    
The bitter family squabble among the members of the KK Modi clan is expected to come to a head...
Ranganathan V    
With ICICI Bank Ltd issuing some clarification on 2 September 2024, in the light of a political...
Ranganathan V    
Shares of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd were listed on the bourses on 25 August 2004.
Ranganathan V    
The Finance Bill 2024 had proposed the removal of indexation for all capital assets.
Ranganathan V    
This should rank as the foremost financial fraud in free India! It required no circumlocution of...
Ranganathan V    
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