United India Insurance Asked To Provide Photograph of a 12-year-old Vehicle Involved in an Accident and Is without Corrosion!
Information commissioner (IC) Vinod Tiwari recently directed the central public information officer (CPIO) of United India Insurance Company Ltd (UIC) to provide a photograph of a vehicle over 12 years old, which is claimed to have been involved in an accident and without corrosion, as this was the basis of rejection of an RTI applicant’s request for such information.
While UIC was trying to argue that this case should go to the in-house consumer grievance cell, IC Tiwari rejected this and additionally instructed that any 12-year-old vehicle must be shown without any corrosion, but given without the vehicle's registration number being visible and any other details exempted from disclosure under the RTI Act. 
RTI applicant Umesh MV, the registered owner of a two-wheeler insured with coverage from UIC, had submitted a claim, following an accident on 2 October 2022, in which the vehicle sustained significant damage. 
However, UIC declined the claim in December 2022 stating that the damages were assessed and were due to wear and tear as well as corrosion.
The RTI applicant sought the following information from UIC under the RTI Act:
  • Corrosion is commonly found in vehicles over 10 years old. If my insurance claim was denied based solely on the surveyor's report and their findings are considered final, please provide me with a copy of the original survey report for my vehicle.
  • Please provide a photograph of any vehicle over 12 years old that was involved in an accident and had a valid insurance claim, demonstrating no corrosion.
  • Kindly provide a copy of the insurance company’s terms and conditions that qualify or disqualify a vehicle for an insurance claim.
The CPIO of UIC replied that the requested information does not fall under Section 2(f) of the RTI Act. He also replied that the information, being a part of a fiduciary relationship and personal information related to a third party, had no larger public interest and fell under the exemption clause of Sections 8(1)(e) and 8(1)(j) of the RTI Act, 2005.
Besides, the CPIO of UIC, Yashwant Rasikar, also treated it as a grievance which he said should rightly go to the grievance cell of the company. He gave a written statement to CIC Tiwari stating that “It should be noted that the queries raised by Umesh MV appear to be of a grievance nature, as evident from the application. As a customer of United India Insurance Company Ltd since 2015, he is advised to use the Customer Grievance Redressal System for such matters before seeking recourse through the RTI Act, 2005. The Central Information Commission (CIC) has consistently remarked in its judgments that the RTI Act is not intended as a grievance redressal tool, and using it as such can impede the justice system.”
Quoting some orders of the CIC and the Supreme Court and high courts, he built up his argument to dismiss it as an invalid RTI and advised the RTI applicant to contact the senior divisional manager and customer care officer at the UIIC divisional office in Kasaragod.
RTI applicant MV, who filed a second appeal with the CIC which was heard on 29 October 2024, argued that all claims and complaints are usually settled only after mutual negotiations or with direct interaction with the complainant. However, no such procedure was followed.  
He further stated that “If the surveyor's findings are final, why was an estimate for repair costs requested? Believing I would receive the claim, I spent a significant amount on repairs and am now facing severe financial strain. Who is accountable for this situation? I hold the company responsible and believe it should compensate me for these losses.”
UIC has been given four weeks to provide the photograph. This would decide the insurance claim for the RTI applicant.
(Vinita Deshmukh is consulting editor of Moneylife. She is also the convener of the Pune Metro Jagruti Abhiyaan. She is the recipient of prestigious awards like the Statesman Award for Rural Reporting, which she won twice in 1998 and 2005 and the Chameli Devi Jain Award for outstanding media person for her investigation series on Dow Chemicals. She co-authored the book "To The Last Bullet - The Inspiring Story of A Braveheart - Ashok Kamte" with Vinita Kamte and is the author of "The Mighty Fall".)
3 months ago
Estimate or claim form given is not an admissibility of claim. Estimate is given by a workshop/garage/dealer to estimate a maximum amount of liability that may occur to repair the damage seen. Getting the estimate and other docs, insurance company appoints surveyor to check whether the damage seen will come under claim or not, And if it comes to calculate the liability. Here it is understood that no accidental damage has occured to vehicle ,and surveyor has found out that the damage seen is due to wear and tear which is an exclusion under insurance.

I cannot go out there ,give an fake aacident date and ask to get my old bike parts replaced to new bike, and to get claim.. Insurance are meant for accidents.

That what I understood from this case
Replied to arunx1y2 comment 3 months ago
Please read the third paragraph. It is clearly said that the vehicle met with an accident. The insurance company rejected the claim stating that damages were due to corrosion.
3 months ago
New India Assurance is also bad bad bad company. Shame on Modi Govt.
Replied to sanjaymatrix comment 3 months ago
Shame on Modi for New India assurance? Jokers stay away from spreading shit.
3 months ago
Most vehicle insurance companies take the customers for a ride particularly when a claim is being made as most have become online providers without any proper redressel support system for customers.
3 months ago
UIIC is a hopeless company. They are usually harrassing the customers. They may have said the customer that the damages appear to be more than 10 year old. Hence the demand of the customer is fair. Recently I also gone through same harrassment from UIIC.
3 months ago
Asking insurance company to produced a photograph of another twelve years old vehicle is irrelevant
to his claim. It can not decide the insurance claim of insured. Proper technical repair of twelve years old vehicle corroded chassis is not possible and will warrant it's renewal.
3 months ago
The caption itself is not correct as it conveys a different meaning to the episode ie as if the accident happened 12 yrs ago whereas it happened in 2022 only. Otherwise good info for all customers if UIICO
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