Soul-less Science
“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”  — Bertrand Russell
Science should learn from nature and not try and teach nature a lesson or two. The story of mad cow disease is still fresh in our memory. Materialistic science wanted to get more money by making the cows give more milk and beef by making the cow a non-vegetarian. Cows were fed giblets from goats, sheep, chicks and what have you. Very soon, an organism without DNA and RNA was born—the prion—the cause of the mad cow disease. The story is still more dangerous. They are actually playing with fire in trying to change evolution itself.
A thoughtful veterinary surgeon was pouring his heart out to me about the state-of-affairs in his field, which made me feel really bad. How can we assume that we are superior creatures on this planet and have the right over the life of all other animals? They are as much a part of this world and its evolution. The scientific hubris of the scientists from advanced countries defies nature! As George Bernard Shaw wrote: “Intellectual integrity made it quite impossible for me to accept the myths and dogmas of even very great scientists, more particularly of the belligerent and so-called advanced nations. Indeed, those intellectuals who accepted them were abdicating their functions for the joy of feeling themselves at one with the herd.” 
I couldn’t agree more. Look at how we torture the calf to make veal for our enjoyment. The meat has to be soft, white and succulent. To get that, we put the new-born calf in a dark room with just enough space to stand still and not move. The calf can never see the sun or touch the ground as it has just enough space to stand alone, between two walls. No food is given to drain itself of all the blood in circulation and no muscle growth. Then the calf is sacrificed at the butcher’s shop. Isn’t this really cruel? But veal is the most expensive item in five-star hotels. Who gave us that right to kill that innocent creature in that manner? Who do we think we are? 
As if that were not enough; now, the scientific community has started with the most horrendous job of almost changing the very purpose of life on this planet, as reductionist science does not believe that this world has any purpose. It is supposed to work like a purposeless clock set in motion at the Big Bang. Veterinary ‘scientists’ are trying to change the very purpose of life for the sake of those who are very powerful. The two driving forces of life are self-preservation and procreation. 
Now, the ‘scientists’ want to destroy the very cycle and make the cows get artificially inseminated to produce just female calves! Gradually, the animals might forget their cycle and the males might become extinct! This will be dangerous situation as we are completely upsetting the intention of evolution on this planet. This brings to mind the dangerous ‘eugenics’ games being played by Hitler and his hit men on human species! In what way are our present scientists different from Hitler? What worries me is like the mad cow disease, nature will teach mankind a bitter lesson when we meddle with its very purpose. When that happens, innocent people, who think scientists are some kind of superior beings, also suffer. The terrorists are seen doing harm (killing, torturing, etc.) and they are universally condemned; but the scientists playing a more dangerous game are being eulogised! A mad world indeed!
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” — Alvin Toffler
Mahesh S Bhatt
8 years ago
Good Article.

Money is new God Values are gone to dogs.Ethical Conscious Capitalism is non existent hence more chaos Pl view Values for Wealth at

Intelligent people are becoming more corrupt & legally correct. Sad times. Mahesh
Deepak Narain
9 years ago
The mad commercial pursuit of all aspects of life is taking away spirituality and higher values. This does not portent well. There have to be some decent limits to commercial exploitation.
pradeep gowda
9 years ago
Very Rightly said Professor.
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