My Problem is... Who Cares?

Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves is going to come to our rescue and that we will live happily ever after. Nowadays, one can only hope against hope

The recent events related with Mumbai and Maharashtra have left me thinking over my real problems, completely ignored by everyone, including myself.

Does the release of Shah Rukh Khan's movie, the so-called 'rada' (ruckus) created by the Shiv Sena and more importantly, the Indian Premier League (IPL), which kick-started the recent events make any difference to my day-to-day life in Mumbai? Even the fight over Marathi and Hindi... does the common man really care for it? I don’t think so.

Take for example—I, along with a few lakh (65 lakh-70 lakh) people spend about three-four hours every day travelling in an overcrowded local train. Every day, some fellow commuter falls down while getting into a train, some even lose their life. Similarly, those who travel by car and bus have to tackle the daily traffic jams at some bottleneck or signal. This pathetic and tiring travel leaves everyone with little energy to bother about the non-related issues mentioned above. This is the condition of all people from Mumbai, including Marathis and others, whether they travel by local train or any other vehicle. Do you think anyone—the railways, SRK, Shiv Sena or even Rahul Gandhi, who travelled in a Mumbai local during non-peak hours—cares? I have my doubts.

Second, the daily life of common people, particularly those of us staying in Mumbai, has become vulnerable. Nobody can assure Mumbaikars (residents of Mumbai) that he or she will return home intact. Life is always under threat in Mumbai. Most of the times, the threat is from terrorists, but sometimes even political parties do this job (terrorising people) with ease.

However, there is hardly is any security for a common Mumbaikar. Security of cinema theatres is most important for the ruling Congress-NCP state government.

Third, inflation is eating away a major chunk from my earnings and has left me with little or no savings. Everyday, prices of some essential item are going up just like our age, which never declines. Political parties, film heroes or the TRP-crazy media—nobody has the time to look into these problems.

In its recent monetary policy review, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has indicated that sustained increase in food prices is beginning to spill over into other commodities and services as well. While the RBI has pegged GDP growth at 7.2%, agricultural input is likely to decline by 0.2% from last year’s growth of 1.6%. Compare this to the fact that almost 60% of the country's population is dependent on agriculture—which again depends mostly on seasonal rains and still faces challenges like drought and floods—and you have a pitiable scenario.

The agriculture ministry was supposed to boost production of food material through innovative research and development. However, recently, we found the Union minister for agriculture Sharad Pawar in a row over his accurate predictions about sugar and milk prices. We are not averse to price increase, but the real question is, does the farmer who produces sugarcane and supplies milk get his dues? How much share does he actually receive from the hike? No one, including all mentioned above is interested. Everyone—film heroes, political parties and the media—tries to lure the common man for buying, watching and supporting their causes, but nobody really cares for his daily worries and struggle to survive.

As far as the recent ruckus over non-issues is concerned, this is nothing but the race to survive. Shah Rukh Khan wants to prove that he is a bigger star and his movie can earn more than his (rival?) Aamir Khan’s '3Idiots'. Shiv Sena, caught up in a drowning syndrome—courtesy Raj Thackeray—is trying to stay afloat while keeping its herd intact. The Congress-NCP government in Maharashtra feels that 'All Iz Well' and there is no need to bother to look into the common man's woes, since there is no election in the near term. At the national level, the Congress thinks it can make inroads into Bihar and Uttar Pradesh by raising Mumbai and migration issues.

So keep smiling, do not worry, as nobody has time to care for you and me. If you think there is some energy, or a spark left in you, then shout loudly "All Iz Well".

By the way, do you remember a movie called 'Deshdrohi' that was banned by the Maharashtra government? I watched it on You Tube... and couldn’t stop laughing. It was hilarious. It is a readymade and perfect guidebook for any newbie on how not to make a movie!

K B Patil
1 decade ago
I am not a Bombayite. So, I am no expert on Bombay or Mumbai or whatever you want to call it. So, the picture I get of this city is from the media. I remember that in the last general elections, which was just a few months after the attack on TAJ, I would have expected the public to go out in large numbers and vote. Alas, the percentage was less than 50%. Our system makes it easy for the rubbish to come to power. Only if a large percentage of the electorate comes to vote, candidates will have to appeal to a wider electorate. Now, they only have to cultivate a small section and make them vote and these netas come out beaming on results day.
Shadi Katyal
1 decade ago
We Indians are the one responsible for what is happening in Mumbai.We kept quite when name was changed and became laughing stock of the world.We let Shiv Sena goons roam the streets and destroy public property.
where was Shiv Sena when Bombay was attacked.
The reason the writer has to travel in such trains,as he chose too and did not ask for more better trains.
we the people are responsible for our problems including security. Look at what Bombay Police is equipped with?
We are a lawless society and thus either dont obey the laws or bend or buy and thus corruption which even our Constitution protects is rampant..
we have created fishers between our religious population and there are no such leader to bring them together.One can blame on Government but who elected them,US
the voters.
Why has infrastructure been the last thing on development whereas it should had been priority.Political parties dont care bhut we must protect ourselves and leace behind CHALTA HAI BHAI
1 decade ago
Do we as common Mumbaikars have time to even think about the things mentioned by you. Do I have to remind you that it was the media only that had created the menace. And for your questions, I really feel that I should have known it, but don't since I am just a common man. May be you can put more light on your points, since you seems to know more about it. take care.
amar wadhwa
1 decade ago
STOP WRITING HIGH MORAL SOUNDING TIT BITS DEAR. Why were you or media silent when MNS was beating North Indians and destroying their taxis and property.

Why Rane wants ban on SS-what abt ban on Swabhimaan?

Why only members of other than Dawood's gang get killed in encounters?
1 decade ago
Yes.Why should anyone bother about common man.Politicians and filmwallas know that the common man is an idiot and can be sold promises , action movies and love stories and that would keep him happy forgetting his daily grind.Who asked common man to rush to the theatres or watch movies endlessly on TV when he is not having proper living comfort -be it commuting facilites,roti,pani,bijlee.Who asked common man to watch cricket matches endlessly either at the stadium or on TV -24/7? It is the common man's drunkedness of watching movies and criket matches that is making criket players,IPL organizers,BCCI,film wallas to mint crores leaving the drunkards(common man) on the streets.Have you seen cooperation among the flat residents?Who is troubling every where? One ordinary middle class fellow -working in a govt office or mobile co or a bank or insurance co or a consumer goods co -always troulbes the other middle class fellow coming for service and vice versa.There is no solution for our problems because we are the problem creaters.The solution lies with ourselves but that will never happen.
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