Mindless Medical Interventions
The human body is an extension of the human consciousness. The latter is what should be considered the human mind. Unlike what we have learnt and are taught, the mind is not inside the brain. The human brain, despite the billions of neurons, or nerve cells, and their connections called synapses, cannot account for the mind. The mind is not even in the body—it is all over, extending even beyond us into the universal consciousness of which we are individual parts. 
The universal consciousness is that vital energy that runs this world which believers call God and scientists call consciousness. Quantum physics, which turned conventional solid state physics upside down, has an important principle—our thoughts determine reality. Early in the 1900s, scientists proved this beyond a shadow of doubt with an experiment called the double-slit experiment. This was reconfirmed recently by Dean Radin and his team in an elegant experimental series. “The results appear to be consistent with a consciousness-related interpretation of the quantum measurement problem. (2012 Physics Essays Publication - DOI: 10.4006/0836-1398-25.2.157).”
The observer’s awareness determines the behaviour of energy at the quantum level. This universe is only our perception. There is no perception without a perceiver. Similarly, all living things have their perceptions. While we have our individual universe they have theirs. So, to be precise, we live in a ‘multiverse’ and not a universe. This is well brought out in that beautiful book by Rupert Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home
Consciousness is not contained within the world or matter. Consciousness contains all matter and the world. The universe is, therefore, a unified living process. It resembles a hologram. All our advances in material sciences have been external development. We need to look inside for enlightenment, which the Eastern sages and rishis had been preaching and practising for eons for peace, tranquillity and happiness for themselves and society in general. Spirituality, therefore, is just sharing and caring for others and, in the bargain, getting and giving happiness to our fellow humans.
In a special collection of articles published since 1 July 2005, Science Magazine celebrated the journal’s 125th anniversary by looking at the most compelling puzzles and questions facing scientists today. A special, free news feature in Science explores 125 big questions that face scientific inquiry over the next quarter century. Most of these questions, of course, could be answered in Eastern philosophy and in teleology. Nobel Laureate Peter Medawar, pioneer in tissue transplants, in his book, Limits of Science, asks some of those questions and answers them in his own inimitable style. He feels that science is only an enterprise, like religion, which has been designed to answer certain mundane questions, but is not able to answer esoteric questions like, “Who am I? Where have I come from? Wither am I going?” etc. He compares positive sciences to a railway engine built to run on a track but not be able to fly like an aeroplane.
Just as a host of brilliant quantum physicists had to go beyond pure materialism to understand the reality of this universe through quantum mechanics, those of us in medicine will have to go beyond our reductionist materialistic medical science. The added advantage is that understanding the mind will enable us to use the mind to heal the body, which is but an illusion of the mind. In particle-wave dichotomy, where the one changes to the other nearly 1,024 times in a second, understanding the mind gives birth to quantum healing. Just as a molecule has the blueprint of its genes, the mind has a blueprint of the body stored safely and it can remodel the body based on the mind understanding the disease process. David Wiebers, an Emeritus professor of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic, in his classic, The Theory of Reality, has distilled the wisdom of the progress made in this realm in the last half a century. I strongly recommend that book to readers to understand the intricacies of consciousness.
One could easily say that we (our mind) are the masters of this creation, as we alone can determine what manifests from the fields that we control. “There is highly suggestive evidence of the existence of this energetic blueprint (or human energy field) in the new research on DNA which proves that it transmits, receives, and thus reads energy directly from the field,” writes Brandon West. He continues: “If we can change our beliefs about ourselves, and thus if we can change the energy that defines our energy field, then we can change the energetic blueprint which our body aligns with as it re-materializes (after an illness) back into form 1024 times per second.” After a heart attack, if outside intervention does not happen, the heart remodels itself so beautifully. 
Western medical reductionist research has almost 95% of its results as only noise, but an occasional signal that is there is missed by the mainstream medical world. Five studies are very important to prove my point above that quantum healing that occurs through our minds. 
The Oxford study of real placebo, even in pain relief, the Harvard study of senior cardiologists going for their annual conference leaving seriously ill patients in their ICUs, resulting in better outcomes compared to when they were doing all kinds of interventions in such patients when they were present; death and disability rates falling when doctors went on strike in Israel and, finally, Japan with the lowest doctor-patient ratio among the 14 industrialised countries having the best health standards, lowest death and disability rates and highest longevity compared to the USA with too many doctors and specialists, should have warned us that we are barking up the wrong tree. 
The RCT (randomised control trial) study of coronary revascularisation using laser beam did show that there were similar results, with or without surgery (patients were told that the operation went off very well). We did not take these serious studies into consideration to find out that the mind eventually heals and not the drugs and surgery that we use, except as an emergency quick-fix.
In reality, it is easy to think of ourselves as an energy field organising itself into a body or as pure consciousness through our bodies. Our mind is non-local and not in our brain or body, as detailed above, meaning thereby that the mind does not need the brain or body to exist. Where then IS the mind? Never Mind!
Parikshit Bhandari
8 years ago
Great Article Sir - Spirituality Combined with Science.
Mahesh S Bhatt
8 years ago
Clinical Diagonis dead/Machine diagonsis done with logic of high revenue/Patients treated with targets by private hospitals & Dr rewarded on OPD to hospitalisation conversions.Lastly GoI asking us to do Yoga but reducing Health/Education expenses.Sad Bad & Maddening state but yes but average health consciousness improving Mahesh Bhatt
8 years ago
A most timely warning for the Health Ministers at the Centre and in the states who must ponder over these and act immediately on these lines.
Ramesh Poapt
8 years ago
vow, great, Sir! thanx
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