Madras HC disallows 10% quota for EWS in medical and dental colleges
IANS 25 August 2021
The Madras High Court on Wednesday struck down 10 per cent reservation for the economically weaker sections (EWS) for admission to medical and dental seats in All India Quota (AIQ) seats surrendered by the Tamil Nadu government, as this breaches the 50 per cent cap set by the Supreme Court.
A bench of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice P.D. Audikesavalu said: "EWS quota is impermissible till the same is approved by the Supreme Court of India."
The court, however, said that the 27 per cent reservation notified by the Union government for OBCs in AIQ seats surrendered by Tamil Nadu government for admission to medical and dental courses is possible, and this need not provide the 50 per cent reservation as followed in the state.
It also dropped a contempt of court moved by the state's ruling DMK against the Central government for failing to implement the reservation in the current academic year. The party also wanted the court to direct the Central government to provide 50 per cent reservation for OBCs in the AIQ seats as per the state policy and not the 27 per cent that is being followed by the Central government.
The Union government, contesting the prayer of the DMK, said that the reservation for SC/ST communities have been provided in the AIQ seats on the basis of the Central government Act. If state reservation was to be followed in the AIQ for OBCs, it would lead to a different scenario.
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3 years ago
Errata: All India quota to be surrendered by Stats is 15% for UG and 50% for PG, not as in my earlier post
3 years ago
Yes, perfect recipe for confusing readers and a misleading title to add to the jaw drop.
In TN, as ever, the Dravidian parties have been granting 69% reservation as against the Supreme Court upper limit of 50%. But they do not want to give the 10 % for EWS as granted by Central Government( without admitting that even their favourite Non Hindus like Christians and Moslems can benefit under same- fear is against Brahmins!). In the case of Medical PG seats ,there is a 15% compulsory surrender of seats in the State to Central pool for common allotment based on NEET ranking for students from all over the nation. In this pool Central Govt. applies the Supreme Court laid down 50 % overall ceiling. DMK ,through its M.P post rewarded advocate ,filed a writ against this, wanting the State's partisan 69%to be applied for this pool. HC Madras has shot this down decreeing that there can not be different scales for an All India quota and a uniform 50% only will apply. On EWS, they have decreed that the it has to wait for the outcome of the pending case in SC, obviously filed by vote bank driven political bigots. So, TN's chauvinist Atheist politicians have to wipe the mud thrown on their face by HC and start praying through their wives and daughters for SC to knock out EWS quota
3 years ago
'The court, however, said that the 27 per cent reservation notified by the Union government for OBCs in AIQ seats surrendered by Tamil Nadu government for admission to medical and dental courses is possible, and this need not provide the 50 per cent reservation as followed in the state.' What does this mean?
Replied to raviforjustice comment 3 years ago
Further, I understand that Tamil Nadu is not following the apex court limit on reservations. How is that possible?
Replied to raviforjustice comment 3 years ago
Easy, simple.To learn the tricks of our Politicians ,go to recent example of Marathas reservations. SC strikes it down, both BJP and Shiv Sena together agree to have a Law passed to bypass same. Similarly, it was Madam JJ and who got 69per cent cleared by an attachment to the Constitution provisions on reservation.
Court proposes, Legislature disposes , simple as that
3 years ago
Very sketchy details.Badly written.Couldn't grasp head or tail.Better you had given the link to the verdict.
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