IRDA’s focus on needs-based life insurance sales—Will it really work or increase confusion?

IRDA exposure draft on needs-based life insurance sales is a welcome step to reduce mis-selling, but will customers really share all the information especially if it is optional? How will prospect product matrix work for online life insurance?

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) recently announced guidelines on development and implementation of prospect product matrix by life insurance companies, which will help in needs-based sales. Will this help?

Sale of life insurance policies based on customer needs would surely help. There is a lower chance of buying a wrong policy and painful policy surrenders. IRDA’s step in this direction is welcome, but combining needs analysis and proposal in one form will be cumbersome to both customers and intermediaries. After all, the proposal form is needed only when the customer has agreed to buy a specific product while the needs analysis form will be used to determine the customer’s requirement which will be used to recommend one or more insurance products.

According to Vijay Sinha, senior vice president and head, marketing, Tata AIG Life Insurance, “IRDA’s initiative is most welcome as all mature insurance markets like the UK already have needs-based sales. The needs analysis and proposal form should be separate as its importance comes at different stages in the sales process. The fact-finding stage of the sales process should involve a needs analysis form. After understanding the customer’s requirements, the intermediary can come up with solutions and recommend product. When the customer approves the product, the proposal form will be used. It will confuse the customer if the needs analysis and proposal form are combined.”

IRDA exposure draft specifies that an insurer or a distributor must make “reasonable efforts” to obtain a consumer’s suitability information prior to making a recommendation. It means that customer suitability information is optional which will entail most of the customers bypassing the questions or intermediaries making half-hearted attempts to get answers. Suitability information means information that is reasonably appropriate to determine the suitability of a recommendation. E.g. age, annual Income, financial resources used for funding the purchase of the life insurance product, intended use of the life insurance product, financial objectives with time horizon, existing assets including investment and life insurance holdings, liquidity needs, liquid net worth, tax status, risk tolerance and so on.

Many insurance companies are not happy to adopt a standard proposal-cum-needs analysis form. While they agree on the need to have some mandatory questions to seek customer information, they feel that there should be flexibility in structuring the remaining questions. Insurance companies want to apply their own ingenuity in having questions framed in a sales-oriented manner; the fact finding will naturally lead to sales. They feel that IRDA approach should be flexible rather than prescriptive.

Online life insurance buying is popular with term life insurance as well as ULIPs. The exposure draft is silent about online life insurance. Will the ‘prospect product matrix’ be applicable to online life insurance sales, too? If not, what prevents an aged person from buying long-term online ULIP that is clearly not suitable for his/her needs?

An insurance intermediary is not a financial planner in most cases and hence a customer may be queasy about sharing financial information, especially giving income proof, expected inheritance, details of liabilities, expenditure and so on (as per the proposed form).

According to a senior official in one insurance company, “The customer should have the flexibility to refuse sharing of financial information in the needs analysis form. The prospective customer should state in writing that he wishes to buy the product without sharing his financial information. If it is made mandatory, it will turn-off some customers or the intermediary may end up filling something just to meet the requirement, both the things being undesirable.”

IRDA is seeking feedback from all stakeholders. Comments on the draft guidelines can be emailed to [email protected]  on or before 29 February, 2012.

1 decade ago
Iam practising as an Insurance Advisor for the past one decade and I feel that no Indian customer will prefer to disclose their Asset and Liabilities details when they not even prepared to share their income details when I want to insist them to go for the require Insurance Cover as a protection for their own family. May IRDA will look into this seriously.
1 decade ago
There are lakhs of insurance advisors/agents and financial planners. However only few give proper advices to the customers. In case of Insurance Planning a person should insure himself/herself under Term Assurance Plans and the sum assured should be atleast 15 times to 20 times of their annual income so that in case of unfortunate demise of the insured the dependants will get a lumpsum which can be wisely invested to take care of the dependants.Insurance is not an investment for earning interest of dividend the main purpose is risk cover Only term assurance can provide adequate cover with reasonable premium which can be affordable.The balance moeyu can be invested in Endowment plans,FDsof Banks ,PPF,NSE ,Balance funds ,debt funds or some portion in equity funds .so the financial planner and Insurace advisors should study the needs of the customers and suggest suitable plans professionaly like a honest doctor.Analyse the data of the customer,identify (diagonise the needs) and prescibe suitable plansThe prime consideration should be welfare of the customer and not the commission he gets.If suitable selling done business will increase and earnings of the advisors will slowly increase.Be honest
1 decade ago
IRDA has failed miserably in protecting the customers interest.It wakes up from slumber when things have happened. See the nos of lapsed policies.See how the policies are missold by ins cos. Agents are pressurized which ultimately lead to high rate of lapsation.
1 decade ago
Why should there be any ULIP in the insurance space? Tax deductions should be given to Term Policies only. For many years having foreign tours at the cost of the policy holder has become a fashion. Lets get over this.
1 decade ago
what is IRDA doing on forced sell of insurance product by bank assurance channel? IRDA is responsible for sanctioning ULIP products of higher allocation charges which gives people a very bad returns.,
1 decade ago
what is insurance cover for IRDA chairman and his other members?
Keshav B Bhat
1 decade ago
Why this type of harrassments?
If they are thinking INSURANCE is not in the interest of the people, just ban the whole insurance INDUSTRY and close the insurance sector.

Matter finishes There.........
Deepak R khemani
Replied to Keshav B Bhat comment 1 decade ago
The idea of this type of over regulation is to drive out individual agents and finally have only large institutional and broker and bank type structure for distribution of all financial products including Insurance, remember what happened to share sub brokers in the late 90's and early 2000's?
Deepak R Khemani
1 decade ago
Certainly a welcome step in the planning stage but an Insurance policy is not the only product a person needs, Need analysis if done properly for most clients will throw up the need to have a large cover which can only mean a term plan, most ULIPs and Endowment Plans will come up a cropper as far as amount of cover is concerned, Single premium policies will disappear as they are inefficient from the tax angle, An FD would serve you better. Most of the Mis-selling is happening in the Bancassurance channel where Bank customers are forced to buy policies to get a loan,an O/D sanctioned, even to open a locker or an S/B A/C. Where will the need analysis fit in that case, no wonder that many Insurance companies are unhappy, most of them are co promoted by Banks.
Sharing of Financial Information is another grey area, how does anyone know whether the information filled is true or not, even today for large premium policies IT return copies are mandatory so that information is already being given. As usual another half baked attempt form IRDA, just because it is being done in the UK does it mean it applies to India, have we suddenly become a "developed and mature Financial market"?
1 decade ago
This will only add to Confusion.

1) What IRDA is going to do with those not following these guidelines ?
2) What if Customers who Insist on Specific Products totally disregarding these guidelines ?
3) What if Customer do not want that advice & want only a solution for Specific Purpose like Tax Saving, Money Parking, Ad-Hoc Saving or the like ?
4) What IRDA has planned for the Bank Employees who pitch products as substitute to FDs & Recurrings ?

I didnt got any solution on this in the Draft.

Todays Insurance Market is result of the RAT- RACE started by IRDA.

Today also Fresh Premium Mobilised during given period is only Criteria to Judge an Insurance Cos. Performance.
Thats the reason why all Companies promote Single Premium & Short Term Policies.

This has turn companies in NBFCs utilising more & more deposits. Insurance Cover Sold is the last concern for the company. Infact agent/advisors selling term products as discouraged by various methods.

If IRDA make a small change in its Rating method by Chaning Criteria and making SUM INSURED sold as
Primary criteria to judge a companies performance, then the senario will change very fast.
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