Indian Govt to Sell 50-year Bonds for First Time
IANS 28 September 2023
The Central government for the first time will sell 50-year bonds to meet the demand for longer dated securities from the country's life insurance and pension fund segments.
This comes as a major development in the country’s financial sector as a fast-growing middle-class looks for long-term financial security and retirement planning through such investments.
The new 50-year bonds, revealed in the borrowing plan released by the Reserve Bank of India on Tuesday, will add to the 30-year and 40-year tenor bonds that are being offered currently.
“Investor demand has been strong, supported by the expansion of the formal sector, with households allocating a higher share of financial savings in life insurance, pensions and provident funds,” Gaura Sen Gupta, economist at IDFC FIRST Bank, wrote in a note.
The government plans to sell Rs30,000 crore worth of 50-year bonds in the October to February period.
The Centre is sticking to its plan of borrowing Rs6.55 lakh crore for the second half of the current financial year—or 42.45% of its gross market borrowing of Rs15.43 lakh crore for the full year.
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