After hitting a monthly low last week, Concurrent shares are hitting upper circuits—now backed by dubious information and inspired recommendations in blogs. The regulators have still not reacted
Shares of Concurrent (India) Infrastructure Ltd hit the upper-circuit limit for the third day in a row on Tuesday, following some clarification by the company to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Just last week, Concurrent shares were falling before hitting a monthly low of Rs24.1 on the BSE. Meanwhile, investors are still wondering what the real details about the company are.Earlier, Moneylife had reported on how the company had apparently misled investors with a false announcement on a Sikkim power project (read more:, and some investors had taken others for a ride in Concurrent shares ( Thereafter, Concurrent's chairman and managing director Koneru Sudhir Babu met us at the Moneylife office on 23rd June to assert that everything was open and above board. We then sent the company some questions. The company has now replied but there are still gaps in its answers.
The company has reported a sudden boost in revenues, net profit as well as operating margins (OPM) and earnings per share (EPS) in its March quarter results (read more: But among the most important issues is a remarkable discrepancy in its quarterly and annual results. Concurrent had reported negligible (or zero!) depreciation in the last quarter which was quite astounding for any functioning company, not to speak of an infrastructure company which would have to have heavy investments. Mr Babu, in a written reply, told us that the prime reason for not having depreciation in significant numbers is that the company is at present outsourcing the works after detailed engineering, hence there is low depreciation. He said that the company has started to build its in-house equipment to execute projects from 1st April and equipment-related depreciation will get reflected in the first quarter of FY11. But any company would certainly have lots of depreciable assets-including computers, office equipment and automobiles.
Secondly, in a regulatory filing, Concurrent said on 10th May that it has been issued an assurance letter from Kranthi Constructions for a work order of Rs74.37 crore for the project 'Erosion Control for Managing Flash Flood for Guwahati city', accorded a top priority by the government of Assam. However, in a news report, Assam Tribune, a local daily, listed the total project cost as Rs26.25 crore, which is divided into two parts-Rs5 crore sub-project for Basistha-Bahini Watershed and Rs21.25 crore sub-project for RG Baruah Road-Bharalu Watershed. The first sub-project has secured sanction from the North Eastern Council (NEC) for funding in 2009-10 fiscal, the report said.
We asked Concurrent on how is there a big cost difference between its filing and the project cost. Concurrent said that Hyderabad-based Kranthi Constructions has received contracts from the authorities in which the first letter is for Rs21.25 crore and second is for Rs53.12 crore. "They (Kranthi Constructions) in turn assigned the work for processing and preparing of project proposal to Concurrent India with an assurance that with the completion of processing and preparing of project proposal, Concurrent will be given an order for the total aggregate of works equivalent to Rs74.37 crore for which Kranthi Constructions got two separate assurance letters."
In a telecon with Moneylife, the Concurrent CMD said, "The project cost is not Rs21.25 crore, it is Rs75 crore, which was given from Central government aid and because there would be a lot of approvals required for the total project they will not give a single letter and would split the work. If they come up with a single order then they will have to invite global tenders. The project has been split as per Central government norms under which the minister can sanction projects up to a certain level and the department has powers to sanction a project for a lower level." We have no way of independently verifying this.
There are other issues too. On 27 November 2009, Concurrent reported that it has signed a collaboration agreement with Eliss Richardson Inc and that the company will transfer technical knowhow for turnkey implementation of power plants to Concurrent. Moneylife searched the Internet for any reference about Eliss Richardson. All we could find out was related with Concurrent. And if one removes Concurrent from the search input, there is not a single result about Eliss Richardson on Google, Yahoo or Bling. Eliss Richardson just does not exist-at least on the Web!
When asked about Eliss Richardson, this is what Mr Babu said: "Eliss Richardson is (an) engineering, power-consulting company based in the US. This company has developed a new technology in thermal and solar energy. We are in (a) tie-up with them to have total Indian market in a joint venture. This is a new technology, which has not come yet and we need to get approvals from the concerned departments. Solar is going to be a major source of energy and with this technology we think we would be able to reduce its cost to Rs12 crore per MW from Rs18 crore per MW."
When asked why there is not a single mention of Eliss Richardson on the Internet, Mr Babu said, "This is not a big company. Basically it is a technocrat. I will send you their email ID in case you want to contact them. I can give you their numbers so that you can have (a) discussion with them."
What is interesting is a majority of contractors, partners or sub-contracts mentioned by Concurrent in all its regulatory filings either do not exist or are mentioned in tandem with Concurrent on the Web. Whether it is Ellis Richardson or Sreenidhi Construction or Brahmani Udyog, the story is the same. According to Mr Babu, Kranthi Constructions, which gave it two assurance letters for the Guwahati flash flood related work, is a special Class-1 contractor based in Hyderabad. But what we found on the Internet is that the same contractor is mentioned as a real-estate builder and developer.
Moneylife has always attempted to offer a balanced view to its readers and in order to protect investors has researched each and every fact before publishing. However, according to Mr Babu, by directly contacting the concerned authorities, Moneylife is trying to "create confusion" in their company affairs. "(We) request you to first deal with the company and we shall endeavour to give you whatever information you like," he said in the mail.
However, it was only when Sikkim Power Development Corp (SPDC) denied any deal or contract with the company, Concurrent came up with a clarification related to the Sikkim Power project. If someone had not checked with SPDC, then the company would not have come out with a clarification. Interestingly, during the period between its announcement and clarification, its shares were trading at its highest level. (read more:
On 9th February, Concurrent had said that it had procured an order from Indo Asian Projects Ltd for supply of beneficiated laterite on for unloading siding for Vedanta Aluminium Ltd, Orissa, and the total value of the contract was Rs11.8 crore. Indo Asian Projects is also a BSE listed company. However, when we checked, we did not find any regulatory filing by Indo Asian Projects about ordering supply of laterite from anyone. Interestingly, Indo Asian Projects has reported total revenues of Rs2.12 crore for FY10 and it has supposedly given an order (or sub-contract) of Rs11.8 crore to Concurrent!
Mr Babu, in his email said, "Concurrent is currently implementing the order by buying its own trucks and hiring trucks from others and lifting laterite from the east coast and transporting the same to the railway siding and also to manufacturing sites. Since the order has been assigned by Indo Asian they might not be reflecting (the same) in their financials, however, we are nobody to comment on their financials."
He sent us some images that show some trucks labelled as 'Concurrent', but one cannot make out when and where the photos were clicked. He told us that these trucks are being used to transport laterite from Rajahmundry to Vedanta Aluminium's Jharsuguda plant in Orissa.
As mentioned in our previous article, we have asked for the annual report and balance sheet of Concurrent from Mr Babu. We are still waiting for it. However, the mail sent to us by the company said: "This is the maiden year after Mr Sudhir Babu has taken over the company management. The first audited balance sheet will be released 21 days before the AGM, which is scheduled in August 2010 and the unaudited financials in terms of required public disclosures have been given to BSE, which you may refer."
Meanwhile, the bunch of investors led by Arun Mukherjee continues to plug the stock in various places including a dubious website ( In his latest blog, Mr Mukherjee talks about a Rs-1,300 crore contract win of Concurrent in Sri Lanka. It is old news, reported by the company in November 2009, where no financial details were given. However, it is surprising that the blogger came out with the project cost and other details as well as the size of Concurrent's total order book (whether true or false, we don't know) and financial estimates of other projects.
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SEBI never caught Satyam, where is the question of small time sub broker?
You should appreciate these paid advertiser's strategy. Spam heavily free forums at almost zero cost.
How much the copmany paid you to write this comment? And why not give your subscriber details, if at all you were subscriber to Moneylife. I am sure Moneylife will tell us whether you were really their subscriber or is just bluffing here. Lets see who is speaking the truth.
You should understand these are paid dalal recruited by this fraud company to ram up the price.
One should not expect Kazi aviation or similar parties to come up and clarify or deny.
There are hundred other good stocks to invest on. Move on
Concurrent India now moved a step further by threatening boarders of online forums and trying to stifle healthy dicussion on the board. Yesterday evening it issued a letter to moneycontrol as:
Letter from the Concurrent Management
We wish to bring to your notice that there are a few unscrupulous writers, whose writing are not only libelious, but also unsubstantiated and full of falsehood. These persons are posting various comments under the board which is causing panic among the public at large. We are daily receiving umpteen number of calls and emails enquiring about the company after reading the posts of a few boarders in Money control. This panic is causing loss to a lot of small shareholders. We feel the messages posted by a few boarders like PSS5588, PAISABIVI, CONCON, SIVANAG21,CHATGURU, MONEYMAN1973, GUEST, etc should be stopped at the earliest. They have already eroded about 50 crore worth of market cap of the company.
Pls take immediate action to prevent further loss of the shareholders monies.
There are some serious issues with the company because of which they are reacting in this manner and we hope that you come up with a detail research on such fraud managements which are trying to cheat retail investors in every possible way.
Another kudos you have for referring the blog site of Arun Mukherjee. Due to your article blog which was available for very one free of cost, now they have stopped it and only invittee can use. Great in your act of depriving small investor from rewarding investment from.
KEEP IT, This type of journalism will wipe out all small upcoming cos. and your policy to untouch bigger fish is commendable.
1) Investing in Concurrent is not without risks and this needs to be brought out. And the company does seem to have an obsession in working the media. Why?? Get a 40% CAGR and media will anyway follow you dude -- no need to post pictures of trucks with Concurrent painted on them. Paint the pages of your balance sheet properly if you need serious attention.
2) Junk blogs like arunthestocksguru have gone where they should go -- away from public eyes, which is helpful for the general people otherwise there's a constant feed of cooked news not to mention news which question notions of morality.
3) Perhaps we need another story on the boarders of MMB, their thinking on how or how not to behave in a forum which is meant for financials. And maybe someone from CNBC like Senthil should explain why a bunch of morons are let to post stuff that have nothing financial and what is remotely financial has no whiff of evidence. Not taking names here, but most people in Concurrent board give a distinct impression that they are juvenile.
If Concurrent has indeed done any wrong, Moneylife is doing a great service exposing it. When you talk about the stock, do remember that it's a buyers and sellers market, and if the price is heading south and existing investors might get trapped, it's their fault for not doing due diligence. At least future investors are getting saved IF Moneylife is bringing certain shaky facts to the fore. That said, it does sometime look like Moneylife crosses a line (refer to my previous comment) by almost declaring the company as a complete fraud when it has managed to piece together only some evidence of wrongdoings.
"This type of journalism will wipe out all small upcoming cos"... well, I was a believer in the story but the company itself invited closer scrutiny when it goofed up with the Sikkim announcement, now it better come clean.
Moneylife is quite right in bringing up concerns about the company’s financials and dealings. However, both anti- and pro-Concurrent readers here are stretching things a bit too far:
Rajat: While simply relying on a Google search may be a fool-hardy thing to do, Moneylife does not seem to be missing a point here when it says all (or most) the entities that it claims to have business with a) Do not have a website b) Have no information on the web sites relating to their dealings with Concurrent. Talk about connecting the dots? It also does refer to other sources, as rightly pointed out by other commentators here.
Ant-Concurrent commentators do stretch things a bit too far when they attack Arun, Kalyan or Rajat on a personal level.
Moneylife: The journalist in me says you’ve got to have solid, ground-breaking evidence to run with a headline that says: “As manipulators ramp up prices”, which you currently don’t. Got an axe to grind?
PSS: Thanks for being the sole reasonable voice here.
Rajat has got it wrong when he accuses Moneylife of having other interests in investigating Concurrent apart from those of shareholders. However, instead of coming out day-by-day articles, which, at best, speculate on what could possibly be wrong and tanking the stock price, it could have carried out a comprehensive research and published a piece than jumping the gun. For, if it really carries out a “real” investigation and actually exposes Concurrent, small investors would be better off blaming themselves than Moneylife for not doing their due diligence before investing their money. Why blame Moneylife for trying to scratch the surface over what it appears like a bogey organization to them?
MMB is a slippery slope -- innocent gullible investors are ripped off daily.
Can you believe boarders who claim themselves to be serious investors go by names like Puli, Guli, Be and Make, Royal Bengal Tiger?
These people have no qualification that back them up as a financial advisory, and having read through the conversations all I can say is that they make for nice soap opera (maybe the whole lot should be moved to the Balaji board on MMB) but disgusting investment philosophy.
Some of the folks are being overly critical of pointing finger( i.e Money life) ??
and ignoring the direction which it is pointing towards.
Maybe sometimes it pays to pay attention to what is being written and not who is writing it.
As every body knows this is a new company (as they have started their business from this financial year) then expecting a perfect financial report is undue.
Your all articles more look like misusing the freedom of power given to press rather than protecting small investor.
Why you have raised the question when Reliance power without any functional power plant has created history in looting public money. I feel you must have thought they are peer and can loot like anything.
It is not so some of person well versed with the timing of publication of these article must be having holding and have sold before publication.
This is really a shabby work of targeting smaller companies (as if you have started agenda to only to permit big business conglomerate) by not allowing them to come up.
I hope seniors at Moneylife will take note of these and give a serious thought to whole process.
At least thank Moneylife for writing on such a small company that too four times! Since you seems to newbie to this site, I think you should check it first and then open your mouth for comment. FYI...the company is not new one, its a merged company and is into existence since many years on BSE.
The fact that the company has a changed management after merger and they still need to come out with an audited balance sheet, hey one needs to give the company, some time.
You cannot make a new born baby ask the questions which you ask an Adult.
Just distinct , give time to breathe and let it grow for a while before coming to conclusions is the right appraoch.
Anyway this company did not rise any money public nor looted public, it's uprise in stock price is what questioned by these articles. Nothing else. I think upside is shared by all the 12,000 shareholders joyfully, then who is crying man and what for these cries.
Not able to digest
what different then we all are saying? If according to Concurrent is a baby, then it should take baby steps and not giant. But since your vision is also narrow (vested interest?) or focussed only on the company's share price, then what about the other investors who should also have received 'tips' just like you to make money?
Your analogy with Reliance is like first catch Dawood Ibrahim,only then you can catch the small time criminals.
Does that mean that if Dawood is not caught ,then the police has no right right to catch small time criminals?
Who is Dawood, Who is Small Time Criminal. A bunch of allegations against Anil Ambani cannot make him Dawood and bunch of allegations against Sudhir cannot make him small time criminial.
In Law un less and until proved guilty, no one is criminal, rest all are accusations, allegations, interpretations, degree of understanding.
Popular management saying, that What ever you feel is right according to your perception, but it tells to a learned man what kind of personality you have.
Rest all are Bull Sheet Rules.
1. Concurrent couldnt give any single reaction on its Sikkim Deal fraud allegation ... clearly signals RED.
2. MoneyLife is publishing article after articles of dubiousness.. yet concurrent is silent ....MoneyLife cant just put anything to defame a company ..there are legal rules after all.... A big RED signal
3. If satyam could dip to 6 .. a small & unknown counter like this can directly go Zero without giving a single chance to exit. The Govt of India stood up to save a giant employer like Satyam. But who on earth will stand behind these tiny and largely unknown Orgnzations ?
4. Arent there other counters of high growth to invest in ?? There are hell lots of them. Then why to stick the hard earned money here ??
--------------- LETS BE SAFE THAN TO BE SORRY LATER ________________
This is the only way to trap fraudulent company when they dont give information.
Go to their website, after money life thrash they dont publish even basic details of contracts , all future works! and to tune of 1475 crores.
Whats stopping company to clarify even names of work now??
Your conjectures should have been based on something more concrete than web searches as Rajat has pointed out( business india does not have a website)
. U have a lot of resources at ur command including the ability to make source contacts as against browsing and ur report should have been based on more solid groundwork investigation with web only as one of the tools and not the main tool here.
Yes u have presented the other side but the conclusions thereafter are not based on further actual research but only ur loose perception.
When so many investors are involved with their hard earned money one expects a reputed magazine like yours to show a greater sense of responsibility in reporting based on ground work and not SPECULATION based on websearch results.
CAN WE LOOK FORWARD TO A BYLINE BY THE AUTHOR on top priority basis as also a para or two from some senior editor of the magazine preferably Ms Sucheta Dalal or Mr Basu for this involves not only the credibility of Moneylife magazine , Concurrent and THE 12000 shareholders majority of whom are retailers hoping to make decent returns on their investments . Even temporary setbacks based on possible unfounded articles will have a major repercussions for these small investors resulting in untold losses to them.
Thanking u in anticipation.
Your efforts in digging the facts and putting forward infront of us, really helps in taking our investemnt decisions. People like sudhir babu comeup every now and then to cheat investors and loot the money from the market.
Showing couple of lorries with concurrent logo is the only proof they can show to convince u investors here but even a person having few bucks too can do that.
In India we have the best of the systems. Ultimately if there is anything wrong they will catch, but what if, scenario, when there is nothing wrong and provoked, small investors get affected, Who takes the responsiblity, Who takes the responsibility???? Just curious.
Just Curious.
With all due respect, I can say Money Life Fourth time cride Wolf. Does any one bother about their new article??
This time pictures of Concurrent Trailers with Some family members of Sudhir as it looks like? Is it decent to put such photographs for a magzine of repute what ever it is? From where did they get these photographs? Even assuming that Sudhir showed them, Did they take his permission to publish them???
Some more improvements this time in the article, the other side from Sudhir is also presented.
But in-between interpretations and self driven conlcusions are not upto the mark of any standards whatever you call.
Whether any one is bothering to edit these articles properly or they are just posting the stuff generated from ameturish writers.
The theme is the same, they compare each and every order of the company with google, yahoo or bling serach, if they dont find any information relevant to concurrent related announcements they say company is not upto the mark.
I just would like to pose the following questions to Moneylife Team??? If at all you read this board?? Take this professionally.
1) The leading business magzine in India, BUSINESS INDIA dosnot have any Website. Their articles donot appear on Web. Can you say that Business India is not in existence???
2)Similarly many news papers donot have any website, can we say those news papers are not in existence????
3) Are you 100% sure that you can google, yahoo or bling all the information what ever you require and if no such information as you want is not available, then can you say, there is no creditbility on the part of announcements???
4) Are you sure that the search engines capture all the information that is put on websites???
5) Again are you sure that each and every agency from nuke are corner of India posts all their developments on websites because moneylife wants to google it, yahoo it or bling it????? and present an article.
6) Did the moneylife journo take the permission of Concurrent Promoter while publishing those photographs???
7) When the Journo as he says that interacted with Mr.Babu, why he did not ask the questions for which he did not get the answers???? Why there is no by-line of the author of the article? I am curious, I want to interact with this guy???
8) Again linking arunthestockguru dot com with the company stating that he knows more about the company and his blog posts more information about the company. When you read his website and re-produce the content, did you read properly that he is a guy from Outskirts of Kolkata and he is only a Sub-Broker? You think he has the capacity to move or shake a stock? Then how many stocks he is moving as everyday he write on one stock or the other???? Then why are you not coming with articles on each stock covered by arunthestockguru.
9) In your blog itself you mentioned that Promoter denied any link with him. Like how you are posting improperly verified inforamtion for the readers (by clearly stating that info through google, yahoo or bling is not available) similarly if arunthestockguru who also has a website blog like you and posts some information as he feels right, like how you feel your information is right, what is the wrong in it??
10) Do you have any problem with arunthestockguru, then resolve it with him, arun the stock guru is posting about 500 companies, so do you link each and every company`s stock movement with his blog???
11) Clearly the Journo behind this article is not the Editor or Co-Editor of this magzine as the language suggests, when you read their published books and this article on Concurrent a clear variation in language and presentation. But is it really getting scanned by the respected Editors of Moneylife???
12) This is a Country where even Power Cuts are quite common in even outskirts of my city Kolkata, the same is the case with various states. In such a scanrio, can we presume that we are living in the web information era where in we can tally each and everything with Web Search Engines and Compare the Company Specifics with the General Public Domain information availabe???
13) What is the motive of these articles??? Are you concerend about the small investors who form 12,000 numbers in this company??? or do u have a personal vendatta on any one for which you are making each of us face the music as you want????
14) If you are really fighting for investors,you tend to consider this fact. If the company`s scrip is finding upside, you mean to say it is a sin and none of the investors invested in small quantums should not get benefit???? But for whose benefit these articles are germinating????
15) In your own admission you say that company has asked you to verify with them and they are willing to co-operate with you for any information??? Then why dont you cross verify, ask them twice or thrice before getting into article space of your web???
16) if your allegations of Concurrent shares hitting upper circuits—now backed by dubious information and inspired recommendations in blogs as you calim in your own langauge of that of arunthestockgur dot com, if they are proved to be wrong and if damage takes place to small investors, will you take the responsibility for all the damage and confusion created by your articles on day in and day out basis.
17) Respect needs to be earned through good contributions but not through forced perception mapping???
Time to Think Dear Editor and Co-Editor. Please get the journo post his name. So that we can interact with him.
We all here know well that you work for firstcall equity research which is the promoter of concurrent. So its bound to happen that you comeout with such foolish arguments to trap investors.
I dont work for any firm which you named. This is what called as spreading Gobels.
By the way K.Sudhir Babu is the promoter even that info also u dont know.
The whole world knows the quality of the article put out here which clearly admits that they did not find any information based on google, yahoo or bling.
The Best of the Business Magzines Business India has no website.
Except your trash comments, Business India have a old website-FYI.
That shows you are paid by company for advertisements.
As every body knows this is a new company (as they have started their business from this financial year) then expecting a perfect financial report is undue.
Your all articles more look like misusing the freedom of power given to press rather than protecting small investor.
Why you have raised the question when Reliance power without any functional power plant has created history in looting public money. I feel you must have thought they are peer and can loot like anything.
It is not so some of person well versed with the timing of publication of these article must be having holding and have sold before publication.
This is really a shabby work of targeting smaller companies (as if you have started agenda to only to permit big business conglomerate) by not allowing them to come up.
I hope seniors at Moneylife will take note of these and give a serious thought to whole process.
Yu are very-in-sincere in your posting. Business India even today being the largest business magzine doesnot have a site of its own. The group's site which you are mentioning is not even an online one. It posts the previous fortnight edition after the expiry of that fortnight. U can find the business india articles on google search. The previous edition is given in PDF format which doesn't get captured by search engines.
Rest is your sheer imagination. No Advertisement No Payment's. Absolutely your false imaginations.
You can't find business india articles on googling, yahoo or bling
MoneyLife does not only refer about Google.They have clearly mentioned abt AssamTribune article (which is the best sellin newspaper there) as well as telecon with sudhir babu. 4get all these ... why such lies about Sikkim Power Proj ??? Why Concurrent unable to hide their lies now ???
Neither I am Counsel for Concurrent nor on the pay roll of anyone which you misperceived here.
I am only a friend of small investors. I am in the heart of small investors. Nothing less, nothing more