Google Maps to make navigation easy in Metros
New Delhi : In a bid to make navigation around big cities easy, search engine giant Google on Wednesday updated its Google Maps app that now shows a dedicated tab with information for cab services in addition to the existing driving, public transport or walking options.
So next time when you leave work to meet a friend for dinner or to meet a client in a new city, you will be able to compare all the commuting options right within the Google Maps app, the company said in a statement.
The app also supports Uber or Ola cab services in major cities in India. 
If a user has a provider's app installed, he or she can see the fare estimates and pick up times. Uber users will be able to choose from uberGO and uberX services while Ola customers can choose from Ola Mini, Ola Micro and Ola Sedan options.
After selection of the service, the app directly takes the user to the Uber or Ola app for requesting a ride with one tap. 
The new feature has been rolled out for Android devices and will be available on iOS devices soon.
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varun teja k
9 years ago
Yes it is true, google maps to make navigation easy in metros. and so many e-commerce delivery boys used Google of the food delivery site">swiggy used this service.
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