“Unless we put medical freedom into our constitution, a day will come when medicine will organise itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal facility to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.” Benjamin Rush wrote this in 1776, but did not get enough support to enact this as law. The world is paying for that today as medicine has become the protector of drug companies’ interests against the hapless patient and his safety.
The man on the street and even the educated lot blame the poor doctor who works at the frontline. He is the bad face of medicine. Some doctors might be greedy but the majority of them are honest and want to do good to patients. Poor chaps are brainwashed in medical school, to begin with. Little do they realise that the basis of their craft is faulty. Time-honoured Western dead sciences of physics and chemistry are used to explain the biological processes in a dynamic human system, which works as a whole, and as a part of this universe.
While the human system is a closed one with an in-built mechanism to correct most ills, the doctor is never taught this in medical school. S/he is taught to think that drugs and surgery are the panacea for all ills. Medical research is not interested in finding the root cause of many ills, while it spends all the time in drug discovery or vaccine manufacture. Natural remedies, of which there are thousands out there, are shunned by the medical establishment with all their might, as they cannot be patented to help one company and its shareholders. Potent chemicals in their sub-lethal doses are being pushed down the gullible patients’ throats.
While chemicals could possibly help relieve symptoms, they can never heal. This is most dangerous in the field of mental illnesses. Whereas the human mind is not in the human brain, chemical psychiatric drugs act on the human brain producing two important side-effects—provoking suicidal tendencies and, eventually, resulting in dementia which is reaching almost an epidemic proportion. When we are confused, and are not sure of the cause of the symptoms, we suppress that with heavy dose of steroids. What on earth is its rationale? Steroids have so many side-effects; some of them are even deadly!
There were more than 4.6 million visits to emergency services in the USA in 2009 alone, most of which are a result of legally prescribed drugs by the establishment. The unseen hand that makes the health workers—doctors, nurses and the rest—dance to their tunes, like the puppeteer, seems to be very powerful. They are neither seen by the patients nor do they let the truth about their intentions come to light. Unfortunately today, the medical establishment seems to be the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the hospitals.
Many surgical procedures have not had their proper audit before being let loose on poor patients. Many corporate hospitals survive on income from surgery, indicated or otherwise. English physician Thomas Sydenham’s advice—‘above all first do no harm’—primum non nocere—has been forgotten. The common saying, that a man becomes a patient when he sees a doctor, has now been stretched to man goes to heaven if admitted to the intensive care unit of a large corporate hospital!
We need to educate the common man and demystify diseases so that the patient gets empowered to be a partner in his own management. The misinformation that one gets on the Internet is another enemy of man as most of that enhances his/her anxiety levels and makes them succumb to fear of death and disability.
Last, and the most important, is the need to remodel medical education based and health and health preservation in place of diseases and drugs. Doctor should be trained to preserve the health of the people. The disease model of medical education, which starts with illness and ends with disease, is not healthy for society. The faulty science base of medical education needs a complete overhaul based on quantum world view and evolutionary systems biology.
Benjamin Rush's warning, in my opinion, implies cultural freedom because all human cultures have throughout history developed ways of maintaining health and alleviating and curing illnesses.
Then came Western imperialism and colonialism -- instigated and initiated by 'true religion' of Christianity -- in all its ethnocidal fury.
Communities and cultures across the world were brought to submission to the knowledge system imposed by the Western imperialists.
The entire world was divvied up into fake 'nation states' that have since continued with the ethnocidal framework of the West.
The Western-controlled complex of these 'nation states' that we call the 'world' continues to pulverize the autonomy of communities and cultures across the globe and replace it with the heteronomy of homogenised knowledge system of the Empire.
Only autonomous human cultures -- which the ethnocidal West militates against -- can evolve knowledge systems that take a holistic view of health.
The problem is that the ethnocidal West is now increasingly inside our blood stream and bone marrow.
Thanks to the Western-controlled complex of 'nation states,' the whole world has become the imperial West.
We are all the 'West' now!
Let's now kill whatever little remains of cultural freedom and wisdom on the face of the Earth!